Sharing a small part of a great adventure

For a couple of weeks we went around the globe to meet up with the amazing Velomericas and to share a little bit of their huge trip through the continent(s) of America.

Even though we travelled by car we could still enjoy sharing the same campgrounds during evening, night and morning. We could share meals, bottled beers (one of the advantages of having a following car), stories, love and light. Our children could play together and ours really enjoyed being outdoors escaping the Swedish winter and darkness.

It is always inspiring to meet this multinational biking family, whether it’s in Paris, Berlin, Sweden or California. Travelling is an essential part of life for us as well and it’s uplifting to see that there are other options in life than working 9 to 5 (like biking 9 to 5 for instance). We hope to join the great trip again before it ends! A reunion in Guatemala the coming winter would be a great thing. Last time we met in Guate there were only three of us, now there’ll be (at least) eight.

¡que viva la Vida!

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